Two events in one day – live streams for Welthungerhilfe (literally: World Hunger Help) and terre des hommes

In June 2022, we broadcasted two events live for Deutsche Welthungerhilfe e. V. and terre des hommes Deutschland e. V.: a press conference and an expert discussion. The topic was the Compass 2022, which was published jointly by the organizations and presented during the events. The publication addresses current issues in development policy, including the […]
“Rave The Planet” in Berlin – The stream makes the music

A moving truck, 6 iPhone cameras, editing direction placed on a subwoofer box, 250 thousand people and 7 hours of partying – that shortly describes our extraordinary live stream from the “Back Market Truck”, during the “Rave The Planet” event in Berlin. Paying homage to the Love Parade of the 90s, the crowd was drawn […]
Live stream under the chandelier – Event at the Swiss Embassy
In March 2022, we were in Berlin for a live stream at the Swiss Embassy. The event focused on sustainable building design in major cities. The on-site technical discussion was supplemented by a live feed. The virtually connected participants, including construction experts, were also able to take part in the discussion. The Swiss Embassy is […]
A Dadaism event for peace – live stream in a small space
End of April, we were broadcasted a Dadaism event entitled “The Wind with Red Hair”. With this campaign, the artists wanted to set a sign for a peaceful alignment of the world. The invention of the art movement Dada for Berlin also had this intention. A special challenge was that the art action took place […]
24h nonstop live stream – An action against blood cancer
In July 2021 we conducted our first 24h nonstop live stream! The moderator, activist, SPD politician and “Influencer” Alfonso Pantisano had initiated the action. With this campaign, he would like to encourage all spectators to register with the DKMS (German Bone Marrow Donor Center) Germany and become a stem cell donor. A good friend of […]
International clientele – A live stream in record time
We were astonished when the e-mail reached us. But it was actually the large, internationally known website builder company “” from Israel that sent us a request. Last week, we then live-streamed the company’s internal event for the German-speaking region in Berlin. We are pleased about the confidence that we can now also increasingly win […]
“Leuchtturm Ukraine” (literally: “Lighthouse Ukraine”) project – live translation in three languages
We all find it hard to bear the news from Ukraine. The suffering that Putin has brought upon the inhabitants of Ukraine touches us all. We were therefore very grateful that we could help at least a little bit with our resources and skills. Last week we supported the project/event “Leuchtturm Ukraine” from Kreuzberg. We […]
A guest in the hospital – live stream from the operating room
We love challenges! For Vivantes Hospital in Berlin, we will live-stream six surgeries over two days in May. Among them is a medical camera that shows images from the patient’s body. The target group is students in Berlin and international experts worldwide. The operating physicians will not only explain what they are doing, the students […]
Live stream from Wuppertal – A tour of the waste incineration plant
In April, our live stream tour of the impressive waste incineration plant in Wuppertal took place. This is one of the largest waste incineration plants in Germany. The client was the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. The spectators came from Moldova and were able to ask questions directly via audio and chat during […]
Crash test with instant replay – A live stream off the track
A bicycle moves towards an approaching car and … Crash!But it was not a “real” accident, it was intentional. The live stream for “Unfallanalyse Berlin” (literally: “Accident Analysis Berlin”) brought us to one of the most extraordinary locations in our company history so far.A narrow asphalt test track in the middle of a huge hall, […]