In July 2021 we conducted our first 24h nonstop live stream!
The moderator, activist, SPD politician and “Influencer” Alfonso Pantisano had initiated the action. With this campaign, he would like to encourage all spectators to register with the DKMS (German Bone Marrow Donor Center) Germany and become a stem cell donor. A good friend of Alfonso has blood cancer and was looking for a donor at the time of the live stream.
The 24h live stream created awareness for the topic. Alfonso involved all the patient’s friends, celebrities, acquaintances and family members, who joined in on site or virtually. Among them were:
>> Franziska Giffey
>> Martin Schulz
>> Eloy de Jong (former “Caught in the Act”, now solo artist)
>> Marcella Rockefeller
>> Patrick Lindner
>> Norbert Walter-Borjans
>> Sascha Heyna
>> Katarina Barley (Vice President of the European Parliament, MEP, SPD)
>> Saskia Esken
>> Kevin Kühnert (Deputy Chairman of the SPD)
>> Tilo Jung
and many many more!
During the show, we went live on Facebook, YouTube, as well as – as we always do – Instagram.
Alfonso was actually live 24h – breaks were only for going to the toilet. The live stream took place in his apartment.
By the way, all that is needed is a quick swab of the cheek. When donating, a “surgery” is very rarely necessary, usually a blood donation is enough! For more information, visit
We supported the action on a pro bono basis.
A few weeks after the show, Alfonso’s good friend actually found a donor. What a great happy ending! We were and still are very touched.