We are happy to create graphics and embed videos for you in your live stream. However, in order to ensure good quality, we need some high quality graphics.

Graphics for live stream overlays

Note: Only one text panel (overlay) or belly band can be active in the stream at a time! You can find more hints here!

Below is an example of a name insertion, also called chyrons.

Download template


Also for videos, please deliver all videos in a timely manner so we can review them.


If no logos are provided to us, we use our standard graphics for text panels and belly bands.

These are graphically limited. We are also happy to take on the creation of graphics in accordance with your corporate identity/corporate design for an additional charge.

If you want to design your own graphics and send them to us, you are welcome to do so. However, we then cannot provide any warranty.

It is also important to point out that we need a start and end board for EVERY live stream. For example, the opening panel could say,“The live stream will begin shortly,” and at the end, a panel could say,“Thank you for your attention / Thank you for watching. “.

*1 Animated chyrons can only be included when using Streamyard. These must be max. 3 MB and be provided to us in GIF format.
*2 Other formats are automatically minimized by the program and cannot be adjusted. Please contact us if you are not sure.