To ensure a smooth process, we offer a location check-up in locations where we have not worked before. In the process we check access routes, accesses / internet connection / light setup etc. You or a representative the location can book this checkup conveniently here via the following link:


We charge 75 euros for the location check-up. Outside the Berlin S-Bahn ring, we charge travel costs according to the usual rates.

In addition, please note the following:
>> The appointment may be run by a different technician than the one running the live stream.

>> The location check-up takes about 20-30 minutes and primarily serves to find out whether the location is suitable for a live stream, i.e. whether, for example, a corresponding Internet connection can be established on site, e.g. via LAN or LTE.

>> You do not have to be on site yourself. All that is needed is someone from the location who can give us access to the room.

>> Please note: Our location check-up is initially not a consultation appointment and not a process training. We will be happy to conduct a detailed consultation or program discussion with you or with other trades (also on site). But we will debit this separately (75 € / h). Such consultation is not included in the base price.

For more information, visit