Media technology &
Media control
The media technology used and how it is controlled can be a major issue at events and live streams. Below you will find our individual offers and options for organizing your event.
Our offers for media technology cover all possible areas that may arise at your event on site. Display of image for audience, speaker on stage, audience in an adjoining room, integration of digitally connected guests and much more.
In addition, our options for controlling the aforementioned elements allow you to customize your wishes and requirements on site to ensure that everything runs smoothly for everyone involved. This can also include the display of audience questions, time or stage timer or other elements.
Thanks to our wide range of suitable equipment, we are happy to offer you a suitable solution.
We offer the following solutions for your event:
Stage control
Depending on the complexity and timing of your planned event, precise control of the monitors or projectors on site is an essential part of the media technology. We have various options and levels of deployable technology to ensure safe use on site.
Stage direction “Advanced”
In the event that the existing image signals and video inputs reach a higher level of complexity and number, we also offer a separate control room (powerful laptop with editing software) for media control. Any number of signals can be processed here and passed on to various output sources. For example Individual image design also possible – e.g. Camera image of a sign language interpretation, camera shot of the speaker on site and additional subtitles in an image source. This can then be forwarded to the livestream director.
Media technology
Of course, without sources and equipment that can be controlled, no on-site design will work.
In our range you will find various options for displaying your planned content on site – monitors in different sizes and for different applications, as well as connections to projector sources.
High-quality LED monitors are ideal for displaying any planned content. Whether PowerPoint presentations, videos, surveys or digitally connected guests.
Depending on the size of the monitor, it can also be easily integrated into a stage set or distributed around the room so that everyone on site – audience and speakers on stage – can see and follow the content at all times.
You can find an overview of the monitor types and sizes available from us in our Knowledge database.
Projector / connection of building services
We at easylivestream do not have our own projectors in our range, but we can easily integrate almost any projector that is available in an event location into our system. We have various options for cables, video converters and also a wireless connection option available for this – depending on the nature of the location and the circumstances of the event on site.
If you cannot do without a projector but none is available at the location, we at easylivestream can also hire one for you and provide the projector for your event.
Preview monitors
The preview monitor can be an important element for your speakers on stage.
Depending on the situation, this makes it possible for all speakers to see their presentation or to have a “direct” conversation with a digitally connected guest.
We can also enable the speaker to have their presentation displayed in the so-called “speaker view”. This also works independently of the presentation for the audience, who can see the presentation in full screen and without notes at the same time.
Another central element that a preview monitor can offer is a timer for the program sequence. We offer you the option of designing a timer that is precisely tailored to your schedule and can display the available sections and remaining time for the moderation or speaker on stage.
This way you can be sure that your event will run according to plan.
The timer also includes the option of sending messages to the stage via text on the screen – so a “please come to the end” is also no problem if required.
KLicker, Presenter & Laptops
If you book an integration of your presentation into the event or livestream with us, we will provide you with a fully equipped laptop with all the necessary software licenses. This allows us to ensure that the image is optimally visible both on site and in the livestream. We are also able to access both the presentation image and the speaker view of the laptop cleanly and display them in the correct place.
In addition, you will always receive a digital presenter from us that enables your speakers to control their respective presentations. Furthermore, our presenters can be used as a laser pointer, highlighter or magnifying glass, which is clearly visible both on site and in the live stream. Please note that we generally use Windows laptops. If you would like to hold an Apple keynote, please inform us in good time.
Light & Sound
Two easily underestimated elements of organizing a good event are an appealing, suitable lighting design and a sufficiently powerful sound system for the available space.
We also have solutions and offers for you to improve the presentation of your event on site.
Illumination and lighting design
We have a selection of LED panels that can be used as an additional light source and to brighten up the stage on site. Massive lights on trusses and complex lighting control elements are not included in our range.
However, the lights offer enough power for small to medium-sized stage situations, talks with several people and can also shine in different colors. They can also be used as purely decorative elements on site and, for example Create your company color or a desired color image.
Sound system
Equipping your venue with sufficient sound reinforcement ensures that even the audience in the last row can follow the content from the stage.
Depending on size and requirements, we have various options on offer that can easily cater for events with up to 150 guests on site.
A simple and affordable professional appearance
Gone are the days when you could see the family picture on the desktop background during an event. With our established solutions, we can ensure that your presentation goes off without a hitch. Thanks to our many years of experience, we can guarantee that your presentation will be optimally displayed both on site and in the livestream, and thanks to our modern, simple solutions, we can offer you this at an unbeatable price.
Please feel free to contact us.