
Hopin is an event platform with a stage, sessions, expo, networking and even a reception.

Hopin itself offers an extensive introduction and support website

The necessary information is provided there for the respective participant roles, i.e. organizer, speaker, moderator or participant.

You can also find more information in our guide for participants

As a rule, for events on Hopin we offer one or more personal preparation appointments with the presenters of the event. Feel free to book a consultation appointment here:

Image size and GIF file sizes

You find a list of dimensions for images and GIFs below that should be uploaded to your event to achieve the best result. Please read the following points carefully before you start uploading your images:

Note: The image templates contain a safe area (in green) that should be noted if your images contain text or graphic elements. These should be positioned in the middle of the image (outside the safe area) to avoid the content being cut off when displayed on the event pages.


Event logo
Recommended size: 1500 x 600 pixels (5:2 aspect ratio)
Minimum size: 800x320px
Used in: Registration, reception page, background for stage not yet live

Session Banner

Great session

Recommended: 1500 x 625px (2.40:1 aspect ratio)
Recommended: 1000 x 400px
Used in: Expo booth segment and is consistent across all booth sizes (large, medium, small and mini).

Medium session

Recommended: 1500 x 600px (5:2 aspect ratio)
Recommended: 100 x 100px to 800 x 800px
Used in: Medium size sessions

Expo booth banner

Large stand

Recommended size: 2000 x 500px (4:1 aspect ratio)
Recommended: 100 x 100px
Used in: Large format exhibition stands

Medium stand

Recommended size: 1500 x 750px (2:1 aspect ratio)
Minimum size: 1000 x 500px
Used in: Medium size exhibition stands

Small stand

Recommended: 1500 x 1000px (3:2 aspect ratio)
Minimum size: 1000 x 500px
Used in: Small exhibition stands

Note: We recommend grouping booths by size (and then by priority) first.
Z. E.g. Large 900 → Large 800 → Medium 900 → Medium 800 → Small 900 → Small → 800. Otherwise, the stand cards have different heights. Also note that mini stands cannot have a background image, only a logo.

Sponsor logos
Recommended: 1080 x 1080px
Minimum: 500x200px
Used in: Registration, reception page

Dealer logo
Recommended: 1080 x 1080px
Used in: Expo booth segment and is consistent across all booth sizes (large, medium, small and mini).

Speaker profile image
Recommended: 100 x 100px to 800 x 800px
Used in: Speaker profile images via platform

Participant profile picture
Recommended: 100 x 100px
Used in: Participant profile picture about the platform