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INNOVATIONS FOR FUTURE | Designing a Sustainable Future for All – Linking the Green and Digital Transformations

Thursday, 3 March 2022 | 3:00 – 4:30 pm (CET)  

In case you could not join the livestream, please find the video below.  

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Lacina Koné (Keynote)

As Director General of Smart Africa, Lacina Koné is committed to bringing together politicians, regulators and telecom operators on the African continent to accelerate socio-economic development through digital technologies. He draws on 25 years of experience working on information and communication technologies.

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Dirk Aßmann (Closing Remarks)

Dirk Aßmann is Director General of GIZ’s Sectoral Department and a member of GIZ’s Digital Board which designs the organisation’s digital transformation. He has a background in energy, where he gained extensive experience working in the private sector and international cooperation.


Yves Iradukunda

Yves Iradukunda is the Permanent Secretary of the Rwandan Ministry of Information Communication Technology and Innovation. In this role, he is responsible for the implementation of policies and programmes for technology and communication across Rwanda. He has a background in business and a passion for entrepreneurship and innovation.

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David Jensen

In addition to coordinating the Digital Transformation Task Force at the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), David Jensen serves as UNEP’s focal point in the Coalition for Digital Environmental Sustainability (CODES). He has been advising the UN Science Policy Business Forum on digitalising sustainability since 2018 and has written extensively on the topic.

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Vanessa Gray

Vanessa Gray is the Head of Emergency Telecommunications and Environment Division in the Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT) of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). In the area of the environment, Ms Gray coordinates the BDT's work on developing e-waste policies and monitoring the amount of electronic waste through the publication of the Global and Regional E-waste Monitors.

Martin Wimmer

Martin Wimmer joined the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) to work on digital transformation after spending more than two years as Chief Digital Officer at the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, and Nuclear Safety (BMU). He has vast experience in driving digital innovation for sustainability and now applies his experience in the context of international cooperation.

About this event

The session is part of our series Innovations for Future, hosted by the GIZ-Representation Berlin. It provides a forum for decision-makers and practitioners in international development, civil society, and politics to exchange and discuss practical approaches. Please note that the event will be held in English.

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